Working Papers: 

The Present Sovereign Debt Crisis of the Euro Zone Peripheral Countries: A Case of Non-Mature Democracies and Less Developed Economies

Fernandes, Abel L. Costa and Paulo R. Mota

NIFIP WP – 03 (Set 2011)


ABSTRACT: The eurozone faces a profound sovereign debt crisis threatening the very existence of the euro. As a result, the recovery of the world economy has become more uncertain. Therefore, the study of the foundations of this crisis is of the utmost importance. Three of the countries involved, Portugal, Greece and Spain, share some important attributes: they are all recent democracies and comparatively less developed economies in the set of the twelve initial member States of the eurozone. For these three countries this paper shows that the behavior of the political variables emphasized by the literature as determining the performance of fiscal variables, is indeed statistically different from the ones observed for the other countries in difficulties, Ireland and Italy, which are mature democracies and comparatively developed economies. These outcomes are in line with what the relevant literature expects from countries with those characteristics, such as election year budget cycles. Besides, postelection year budget effects were also detected implying no fiscal consolidation.

KEYWORDS: Fiscal policy; political budget cycles; new democracies


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Está na hora de Portugal sair da Zona Euro

Vieira, Pedro Cosme Costa

NIFIP WP – 02 (Set 2011)


ABSTRACT: Foi prometido que Portugal, ao pertencer à Zona Euro, iria convergir rapidamente com os restantes países da UE e que teria taxas de juro muito baixas. No entanto, uma década de descontrolo económico levaram o país para uma situação de taxas de juro proibitivamente elevadas o que tem um efeito terrível na economia que se traduz em taxas de desemprego elevadíssimas e contracção violenta do PIB. Comparando com o regime de taxas de câmbios fixos, a evidência empírica diz que esta situação adversa persistirá no tempo pelo que é inevitável que Portugal abandone o Euro. Neste artigo apresento um roteiro para a reintrodução do Escudo que permitirá manter a liberdade de movimentação de capitais, de pessoas e de bens e que terá um impacto económico menos negativo que mantermo-nos na Zona Euro com taxas de juro real acima dos 10%/ano. Para que a transição seja suave e não aconteça a bancarrota, Portugal precisa, num horizonte temporal de 30 anos, de garantias de 420 mil milhões de Euros. Seja qual for o caminho adoptado, antevejo que nos próximos 10 anos o nosso rendimento disponível vai diminuir em mais de 25% mas que, se sairmos da zona Euro, a recuperação será mais rápida e mais resistente às más decisões políticas.

KEYWORDS: Zona Monetária, Câmbios fixos, Saída da Zona Euro, PIIGS


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The Roots of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis: PIGS vs. Non-PIGS

Fernandes, Abel L. Costa and Paulo R. Mota

NIFIP WP – 01 (May 2011)


ABSTRACT: The main purposes of this paper are twofold: on the one hand, to determine if there are significant differences of regime on public expenditures, total revenues and tax revenues between the so-called PIGS and the remaining Eurozone member states and, on the other hand, to uncover possible explanations for the quite different situations in which these countries find themselves nowadays. This work focus on the effect of the cyclical state of the economy, captured by the unemployment rate, and on the two fiscal rules imposed by the Maastricht Treaty on the Eurozone member states. Based on the estimated results, which distinguish between PIGS and non-PIGS countries, we come to the conclusion that the anti-cyclical reaction with respect to the unemployment rate is much stronger among non-PIGS. We also find that fiscal rules have, in general, not been obeyed by the two groups of countries. Moreover PIGS, in spite of their economic frailties, have, instead, tried to emulate the fiscal behavior of their more prosperous Eurozone partners instead of implementing more rigorous policies.

KEYWORDS: European public finance; Fiscal policy; Fiscal rules


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