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Call for Papers

Porto, Portugal - December 9th-11th, 2010

During 2008 and 2009, the world economy was ravaged by a severe economic and financial crisis. Its shockwaves will still be felt for a while. Contractions in trade and FDI flows and on employment were the norm.

Historically, harsh crises gave an excuse for economies to become more hermetic and to adopt defensive strategies, bringing with such stance the spectre of increased protectionism.

Contrarily to previous crises, in this one Governments contained, to a considerable extent, their protectionist proclivities. This can be taken to show that, by now, there is a widespread consensus on the virtues of openness to investment and other flows of economic exchange and, indeed, that globalization is quite well accepted.

The 36th EIBA Annual Conference aims, among other topics, to discuss whether international business  can be an important part of the solution to the problems raised by the crisis, in order to build a stronger and more resilient global economy, and to pave the way for an era of renewed prosperity. The conference also aims to shed light on how to (to borrow John Dunning’s words) “make globalization good”, thereby to contribute to a sounder, fairer, and more sustainable world.

The conference especially invites both theoretical and empirical contributions to shed further light on these issues. In addition to contributions focusing on the main theme of the conference, papers and panel proposals are invited on a wide range of international business topics. Twelve conference tracks have been set up, covering both traditional questions and emerging fields of research in international business.

Deadline for submissions: 15th July 2010

Conference Tracks

1.    Conference theme: IB’s role in building a better and stronger global economy

Track Chair: Vítor Corado Simões
- How to make globalization good? Values and rules for a fairer global economy
- New trends in international investment: MNCs from emerging countries
- Europe and the new geography of IB


2.    Internationalization process and international entrepreneurship

Track chair: Tamar Almor
- Born Global firms
- Internationalizing SMEs
- Internationalization of high-tech companies


3.    Corporate strategies in international business

Track chair: José Pla-Barber
- Impacts of the recent crisis on MNCs’ corporate strategies
- Regional vs. global strategies
- Institutional environment and corporate strategies


4.    HQ-subsidiaries’ relations, subsidiaries’ strategies and subsidiary evolution

Track chair: Ulf Andersson
- Strategy and structure and HQ-subsidiaries’ relations
- Subsidiary life cycles and globalization
- Subsidiary divestment

5.    Managing knowledge and innovation in International Business

Track chair: Ram Mudambi
- MNEs and Knowledge clusters
- Knowledge sourcing and knowledge integration
- Innovation and emerging markets

6.    IB theory, international economics and trade

Track chair: Christian Bellak
- Empirical studies on determinants of FDI
- Spillover effects in the host country
- Intra-firm trade and transactions between parent and affiliate

7.    International finance and accounting

Track chair: Lars Oxelheim
- International financial integration - managerial and macropolicy aspects
- Management in times of global financial turmoil
- Financial crises, transparency and economic growth

8.    Corporate social responsibility, governance and ethical issues related to International Business

Track chair: Sarianna Lundan
- Climate change strategy in MNEs
- Labour standards in global/regional supply chains
- MNE nonmarket strategies in emerging markets

9.    International marketing

Track chair: Luís Filipe Lages
- International Marketing in a Dynamic and Changing World
- Innovation in International Marketing
- Sustainability and International Marketing

10.  International human resource management and cross-cultural issues

Track Chair: Ingmar Bjorkman
- HRM in MNCs: HR functions, policies, tools, practices and outcomes
- The social architecture of MNCs: social capital, organizational culture and identity, global mindset, and HRM
- Cross-cultural management: societies, corporations, teams, and individuals

11.   Contemporary issues on IB methodology

Track chair: Rebecca Marshan-Piekkari
- Innovative quantitative methodological approaches
- Innovative qualitative methodological approaches
- New paradigms e.g. critical perspectives, gender and language issues and their methodological implications

12.  Clusters, linkages and policy issues related to International Business

Track chair: Philippe Gugler
- The role of clusters as magnet for MNEs
- The linkages between foreign MNEs and domestic firms within clusters
- Policy strategies promoting the establishment of MNEs as drivers of local competitiveness

13. Teaching International Business

Track Chair: Pervez Ghauri
- Innovations in teaching methods
- Challenges with teaching a culturally diversified class
- Use of technology in teaching and examinations


Contact: eiba2010@fep.up.pt

Website:  http://www.fep.up.pt/conferencias/eiba2010


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